極真空手総本部道場は1964年に完成し、多くの極真空手家が稽古に励んだ道場である。大山倍達はこの道場で多くの人に極真空手を教えた。最盛期には1階も2階も練習生で埋め尽くされ、当時は外に飛び出したり、近くのグラウンドで練習したりしていた。そんな伝説を持つこの道場は、増辰の 道場開設の夢が初めて叶った場所でもある。極真を目指す多くの門下生の稽古場として、また増辰の強い志が形になった場所として歴史を刻んできた。鹿島大明神や香取大明神といった武道の神様を祀る祭壇、毎回音読された道場のモットー、天井から吊るされた蹴り稽古用のボール、稽古で床についた傷など、貴重な遺産が当時のままの状態で保存されている。極真を目指す者は、この道場に一歩足を踏み入れたとき、きっと感激することだろう。今でも道場に一歩足を踏み入れると、凛とした空気を感じることができる。

How to train at the Honbu Dojo from Sosai Mas Oyama?
The Official Honbu Dojo
Booking Page
Welcome to the official booking page for the Honbu Dojo of Sosai Mas Oyama, the legendary founder of Kyokushin Karate. Located in the heart of Tokyo, Ikebukuro, the Honbu Dojo stands as the original training ground of the Kyokushinkaikan.
The exact address is:
Mas Oyama Honbu Dojo
Why train at the Honbu Dojo?
The Honbu Dojo is more than a physical location—it is a sacred space for all Kyokushin practitioners, carrying the spirit of Sosai Mas Oyama and his wife, Chikako Oyama. Stepping into this dojo means immersing yourself in the history, discipline, and legacy of Kyokushin Karate. It is a place where countless legends have trained, and where you can connect deeply with the origins of this martial art.
Open to All Recognized Kyokushin Organizations: Any practitioner from an officially recognized Kyokushin Karate organization is welcome to book and train here.
A Holy Place for Kyokushin Practitioners: The dojo remains a site of reverence, where the teachings and spirit of Sosai Mas Oyama live on.
Supporting the Legacy: All fees collected are used to maintain, renovate, and modernize the dojo while supporting the Oyama family in preserving the legacy of Sosai Mas Oyama.
Training at the Honbu Dojo is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for every Kyokushin karateka. It is a must to experience the atmosphere where the greatest Kyokushin legends honed their skills and to pay homage to the origins of our art.
Don’t miss the chance to train at this iconic location—book your time package today and become a part of Kyokushin history.